Microsoft Excel

Larger Resources

Modelling Data


Microsoft Excel Skill


Crib Sheet &
Student Activities


Smaller resources

Basic Formulas Starter/Revision




Absolute Cell Referencing


Spreadsheet Revision Guide Task


Basic Spreadsheet Formulas
(Paper-Based Task)




Mail Merge

Mail Merge Revision using Microsoft Word 



1 Familiarisation with spreadsheets (Microsoft Excel)

Video from my first lesson in my Modelling Data Series (an alternative to NCCE's 'Year 7 Modelling data using spreadsheets' unit). 

2 - Arithmetic Formulas in spreadsheets

Video from my second lesson in my Modelling Data Series (an alternative to NCCE's 'Year 7 Modelling data using spreadsheets' unit). 

3a - What is the difference between data and information?

Video from my third lesson in my Modelling Data Series (an alternative to NCCE's 'Year 7 Modelling data using spreadsheets' unit). 

3b - How to make a chart in Microsoft Excel

Video from my third lesson in my Modelling Data Series (an alternative to NCCE's 'Year 7 Modelling data using spreadsheets' unit). 

3c - How to make a chart in Google Sheets

Video from my third lesson in my Modelling Data Series (an alternative to NCCE's 'Year 7 Modelling data using spreadsheets' unit). 

3d - Using the Control Key to select specific data for a chart

Video from my third lesson in my Modelling Data Series (an alternative to NCCE's 'Year 7 Modelling data using spreadsheets' unit). 

4 - SUM MIN MAX COUNTA spreadsheet functions

Video from my fourth lesson in my Modelling Data Series (an alternative to NCCE's 'Year 7 Modelling data using spreadsheets' unit). 

5a - Average spreadsheet function

Video from my fifth lesson in my Modelling Data Series (an alternative to NCCE's 'Year 7 Modelling data using spreadsheets' unit). 

5b - IF Statements in spreadsheets

Video from my fifth lesson in my Modelling Data Series (an alternative to NCCE's 'Year 7 Modelling data using spreadsheets' unit). 

5c - COUNTIF spreadsheet function

Video from my fifth lesson in my Modelling Data Series (an alternative to NCCE's 'Year 7 Modelling data using spreadsheets' unit). 

5d - Sorting a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet

Video from my fifth lesson in my Modelling Data Series (an alternative to NCCE's 'Year 7 Modelling data using spreadsheets' unit). 

5e - Sorting a Google Sheets spreadsheet

Video from my fifth lesson in my Modelling Data Series (an alternative to NCCE's 'Year 7 Modelling data using spreadsheets' unit). 

5f - Filtering a Google Sheets spreadsheet

Video from my fifth lesson in my Modelling Data Series (an alternative to NCCE's 'Year 7 Modelling data using spreadsheets' unit). 

6a - Conditional Formatting in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet

Video from my sixth lesson in my Modelling Data Series (an alternative to NCCE's 'Year 7 Modelling data using spreadsheets' unit). 

6b - Conditional Formatting in a Google Sheets spreadsheet

Video from my sixth lesson in my Modelling Data Series (an alternative to NCCE's 'Year 7 Modelling data using spreadsheets' unit).